By ordering this item you are agreeing to all the terms and conditions stated on this website in regards to joining my GOs.
Please make sure you have read all the information cause I will not be taking responsibility for mistakes!
V - Artspace: Type 1 Exhibition MD
This GO is for pick-up at an offline event - as such, there is a high possibility of items being sold out/unavailable at the time of my visit.
For this particular pop-up, each person can only visit once and purchase a limit of 3 of each item variant - as such, slots for these items will be extremely limited and will not be restocked.
- Exhibition Visit: July 14th
- Shipping Begins: Within a few days
Orders will be shipped on a first-come first-served basis.
If you have existing orders that ship around the same time, please add the 'combined shipping' item to your order!
Please remember you can only do combined shipping with items that arrive within 4 weeks of each other! Even if you order them together, they will not be shipped together unless they meet this condition, or unless otherwise stated.
If you purposely delay paying for your shipping in order to combine orders that are not normally eligible, you will be charged an additional holding fee.