Hi guys, Han here.
The purpose of this post is to give a round of general updates for all outstanding orders!
I have covid T v T
First things first, unfortunately there is a going to be a slight delay on me processing things that have arrived. I started feeling sick on Saturday morning and have since had a PCR test confirming I had caught covid - unfortunately despite being fully vaxxed, my case has been quite severe and I've been pretty much bedriddden since Sunday. I live alone which has also made things a bit emotionally/mentally taxing as some of you know I have lost family members to covid, but I've honestly just spent most of the time sleeping and resting. Today (Wed) is the first day I've been awake for most of the day, so I'm now trying to catch up on all the things that have been neglected over the past 5 days, including my job, my fan shop, and of course, these GOs so I'm going to need you guys to bear with me a little bit ;v;
With that being said, I wanted to get this post out so you guys know what is happening with your orders and when to expect shipping quotes/tracking numbers etc.
Arrivals & Shipping
Firstly, I want to let you guys know that the following items are currently in my possession:
BTS Proof Exhibition MD
BTS Proof T-Money Cards
Jimin Photo Folios
Samsonite Suitcases
So if you've ordered these items, I will be packing them for shipping and sending you the shipping quotes this coming weekend once I've regained a bit more of my strength.
Likewise, if you've already paid shipping for an existing quote, I will send those first thing Monday once I am released from quarantine.
New Orders
On the other hand, if you've ordered anything else, all other orders have been placed successfully up until order #10057 so don't stress!
Also if you are waiting for me to send you an invoice for something else, I will try to get those done by Friday, I'm not yet strong enough to sit at a computer for hours, and I need to prioritise my actual job (yes, they expect me to work during quarantine), so please just sit tight for the time being - I apologise again for the wait.
If anyone has any other seriously pressing questions not addressed above, then please DM on Twitter, and I will get back to you asap!
Otherwise, thank you all for your understanding & patience.
Magic & Purple Hearts,